Know a new or expecting parent who needs lactation support?

Not sure how to help?

An Heirloom Gift Certificate is the perfect gift!

If you know someone who is struggling with breastfeeding, and you want to help, but aren’t sure how, consider gifting them with an Heirloom Lactation gift certificate. While most lactation care is covered by insurance, some insurance plans won’t cover in-home support, and this may be just what a parents needs in order to succeed! Choose the option that suits them best.

The BIG Bundle - This gift certificate includes one in-home prenatal visit, one in-home postpartum visit, one follow-up visit, and unlimited calls/emails for any questions that pop up for up between visits.

The MINI Bundle - This gift certificate includes one in-home postpartum visit, one follow-up visit, and unlimited calls/emails for any questions that pop up between visits.

The SINGLETON - This gift This gift certificate includes one in-home postpartum visit, and unlimited calls/emails for any questions or concerns that arise for up to THREE WEEKS after the visit. Can also be used for a bottle refusal consultation.

Best. Baby Shower Gift. Ever.

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificate (Choose the Value)
from $50.00
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The MINI Bundle
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The BIG Bundle
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